Dr. 乔·J. 小Eassa. 捐赠MBA奖学金基金

1997年11月,林克商学院MBA协会成立. 乔·J. 小Eassa. MBA奖学金. 在那个特定的时间,协会确立了一个目标,在主要的总和 $10,000 (符合mba奖学金资格的最低本金).

目前,我们的本金已接近 $400,000. This phenomenal growth is in large part explicitly due to outstanding and generous benefactors like yourself who regularly gift this fund. Our MBA scholarship is the largest in the namesake of a faculty member at any college or university within the State of Florida.

到2023- 2024年,显著的结果是 113 符合条件的MBA学生获得奖学金, 每一个都完全由这个禀赋的收益提供资金.


So that we continue to grow our scholarship assistance to qualified MBA students I respectfully ask that you 现在 make a gift to this fund.




In order for each of us to sustain ourselves in today’s workforce during this rapidly changing technological era, 保持适当的教育和经验资格是必要的.


Dr. Eassa创立了PBA-MBA项目, 这所大学的第一个研究生项目, 1989年8月发射升空. 1997年11月,林克商学院协会成立了博士学位. 乔·J. 小Eassa. 授予博士荣誉奖学金. Eassa, 研究生商业研究教授, 以及Alexander Proudfoot商业技能教授. 从那时起, 该奖学金的投资收益将颁发给符合条件的MBA学生.

He, 现在, is Professor Emeritus of Graduate Business Studies 以及Alexander Proudfoot商业技能教授.


Dr. 20世纪70年代,Eassa受邀加入PBA,担任兼职教授. 1977年1月,他接受了全职工作. 从那时起,他一直担任总统助理, 代理执行副总裁, 行政与财务学院院长, 研究生院副院长, 林克商学院的临时院长.


By invitation, he is included in the book, entitled, “Great Teachers We Have K现在n” (Sailfish Press).

在他众多的成就中, 在这里, he played a major role in the formation of the University’s annual American Free Enterprise Day; also, he served as a Professional Management Consultant for Philips Company for three years (Fortune 500); as Professional Management Consultant for nearly 35 local entrepreneurs, 包括商业, 法律, dental entities; and is a past member of the Advisory Board for both Bethune-Cookman University and Florida Southern College. He was also interviewed as an integral one for the feature piece by the national television program Truth That Transforms to provide a Christian perspective that led to the ethical breakdown of the investment house collapses of 2008 as well as their precursors such as Enron and World.com(在全美播出).S. 2011年在国外). 他曾担任the Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship的编辑委员会成员, 1984-2001年担任总统顾问委员, 担任教职员资本运动联合主席(1994年), 1986年担任学院礼品部主席, 自1977年起担任主席, 讨论者, 领导评审, 管理咨询, 管理教育, and Management History divisions of the Academy of Management and as a Chairperson for the Organizational Behavior division of the Southern Management Association in 2011.


  • 被任命为产业发展合作会议主席, 管理学会第72届年会的管理和奖学金, 8月3 - 7, 2012年波士顿奥运会, 麻萨诸塞州.
  • Was appointed and served as the Session Chairperson for ANTECEDENTS AND OUTCOMES OF PAY DISPARITY
  • Was appointed and served as the Session Chairperson for SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL ETHICS
  • Was appointed and served as Session Chairperson for GETTING THE JOB AND LIFE AS AN EMPLOYEE; these three appointments were for the Annual Conference of the SOUTHERN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION held at the Westin Beach Resort & Ft水疗中心. 2012年10月30日至11月3日在佛罗里达州劳德代尔市进行,每一次都成功完成.
  • Was appointed and served as the Session Chairperson for A LOOK INSIDE THE PARADOX OF CONGLOMERATE SUCCESS: JACK WELCH’S EFFECTIVE STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP for the Academy of Management 73rd Annual Conference, 8月卖地, 2013年在奥兰多布埃纳维斯塔湖, 佛罗里达). 来自世界各地88个国家的约8300人参加了会议.
  • Was appointed and served as the Session Chairperson for STRATEGY: CEO and DIRECTOR COMPENSATION AND TURNOVER for the SOUTHERN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION November 5-9, 2013年的会议, 是在新奥尔良的蒙特莱奥内酒店举行的吗, 路易斯安那州.
  • 被任命并担任合作委员会主席, 动机, AND RECOGNITION IN DIFFERENT CLIENT SETTINGS AND SYSTEMS at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 是在费城举行的吗, 8月1日至5日在宾夕法尼亚州, 2014年涉及1人以上,900多个活动和9个以上,来自全球88个国家的500人.
  • 被任命并担任“企业家精神的历史考察”主席.
  • Was appointed and served as Chairperson for the RESEARCH SPEED DATING: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY session at the Annual Conference of the SOUTHERN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, 成立于1947年, 11月11日至15日举行, 2014年在萨凡纳的凯悦酒店, 乔治亚州. 目前,SMA成员国大约有1个,000名管理学教授, 博士生, 以及代表200多所大学的高管, 大学, 以及43个州和几个国家的商业公司.
  • 被任命为(1)商业政策和战略部门的主席, (2)管理咨询事业部, AND (3) HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION at the 75th Academy of Management Annual Conference in Vancouver, 英属哥伦比亚, 8月7日至12日在加拿大举行, 2015.
  • Was appointed and served at the SOUTHERN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2015 CONFERENCE in the TradeWinds Island Resort, St. 2015年10月27日至31日,佛罗里达州彼得堡,担任以下活动的会议主席:
  1. 战略分工:全在态度:TMT集体自恋及其影响
  2. 国际部:国际化与人力资源
  3. 创业科:创业中的突出问题

被任命为阿纳海姆管理学院第76届年会的成员, 8月5日至9日在加州举行, 2016 as the SESSION CHAIRPERSON for the following events: (This is the premier conference of the world’s top management scholars of which t在这里 will be over 10,来自84个国家的5000名拼搏体育出席).

  1. 管理教育事业部:职场发展
  3. 公共与非营利之分:智慧城市的公民参与, 社会责任与城市合作框架:参与的意义
  4. 个人和组织绩效的新方法
  5. 了解有效变革和公司绩效的决定因素.

Was appointed and served in the Strategic Management Track as the Session Chairperson for CEO HIRING, 发射, 在南方管理协会的年会上, 万豪城市中心, 在夏洛特, 北卡罗莱纳, 10月25 - 30, 2016.


星期二,2017年3月21日,博士. Eassa received the PRESIDENTIAL MEDALLION plaque in recognition of meritorious service to the Kingdom of God from Toccoa Falls College located in Toccoa, GA (founded in 1907); only one of ten such recipients in the 110 year history of this institution.

他是西拼搏体育人. Eassa在他早期的职业生涯中担任过:

Eassa and Associates抵押银行业务总裁
City Clerk and Insurance Administrator for the City of 西拼搏体育 (received City Commission’s award for excellent achievement).


的博士. 乔·J. 小Eassa. Scholarship is the largest scholarship for MBA students in the State of Florida created in honor of a College or University faculty member. 获得该奖学金的最低要求如下:

  • 学生必须参加MBA课程,并在良好的学术地位.
  • Scholarship funds are awarded to students who have successfully completed at least six credit hours per semester.
  • 值得注意的是,这些年来 113 符合条件的MBA学生均可获得此奖学金, 每一个都由捐赠基金的收益提供资金.

Contributions to this scholarship fund are invested into 拼搏体育’s permanent endowment fund. The principal is retained and income from this investment is the total source of funds for the award of each scholarship.

每年颁发此奖学金的颁奖典礼, principal speakers have included James Broadhead the former Chairperson of the Board of Florida Power and Light Company; David Hernandez the Founder and Chairperson of Liberty Power Company, 哪家公司是美国发展最快的西班牙裔公司.S.; Karl Watson, Jr.美国总统奥巴马.S. Division of CEMEX; Robert Garvy, Intech董事长, 美国最著名的投资管理公司之一.S.; Dennis A. Tito, Wilshire Associates, 公司 .创始人、首席执行官兼董事长. (tourist aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft); Diego Asencio, former U.S. 阿森西奥大使兼主席 & Associates; Karl Watson, Sr. Rinker Materials, 公司 .前总裁., and 现在 consultant to Cemex; and on December 2, 2013 Kenneth R. Kennerly是Honda Classic的执行董事, 北美赛事集团IMG高尔夫高级副总裁兼总监, IMG Worldwide的一个部门, 公司.; Alan Crowetz, President and CEO for 信息Stream whose firm provides consultation to clients for computer and networking systems; also, 设计解决方案并向客户介绍替代方案, 马克•坎贝尔, 家庭农场的首席财务官, 和保罗·多纳休, Centerra集团总裁兼首席执行官, 有限责任公司.


Dr. 伊萨认为,当学生投资攻读mba学位时, 他或她也在投资于对自己未来的保证.

“In the total time horizon of one’s career I am convinced the results of obtaining this degree are immeasurable,他说.

通过向乔·J. 小Eassa. 奖学捐赠基金, 你也可以投资于有社会责任感和进取心的商业领袖的职业生涯.


大卫·埃尔南德斯,自由电力公司的首席执行官,也是. Eassa表示,他很感谢Dr. Eassa博士的职业和个人生活都为Dr. 2017年3月30日Eassa的退休庆祝活动.
